Alan MacDonald

 Alan MacDonald 's Books

A very well recieved series by Alan MacDonald are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Zombie!, Cupcake Wars!, Monster!, Euuuugh! Eyeball Stew!, Superstar!, Superhero School, Pong!, Jackpot!, Aliens!, Fangs!, Fleas!, Kiss!, Smash!, Mud!, Trolls Go Home!, Disco!, Goat Pie, Yuck!, Fetch!, Ditherus Wart, Horror!, Pirate!, Burp!, Worms!, Puppy Love!, Ouch!, Alien Attack!, Toothy!, Sir Bigwart, Germs!, Trolls United, Rats!, Thunderbot's Day of Doom, Crackers!, Curse of the Evil Custard, Arrrrgh! Slimosaur!, Honesty Wart, Queen Bee!, Snow!, Custardly Wart, Trolls on Hols, Pants!, Angela Nicely, Loo!, BOOOM!, Bogeys!, which was published in 2022.